Solo travel - a must for everyone at least once

A solo adventure is something recommended for everyone at least once! But travelling alone can be lonely and scary and challenging even with all the positive press regarding travelling solo.

Solo travelling does give one a sense of independence and power – you will have time to find yourself and learn a lot about yourself. It will also allow you to plan your schedule and only to do what you want to do and how you want to do it.

A trip alone may give you the opportunity to listen to your gut and reflect on your decisions and discover more about what makes you, you! You will own your experience for yourself and learn to be more present in all situations and environments. Solo travel will force you to be aware and see the world around you.

Leaving your comfort zone might be the best thing you do for yourself – travelling solo will teach you to be comfortable with the uncomfortable. You will learn to embrace unfamiliar places and spaces and you will learn to deal with challenges alone encountered on the road.

With solo travel, you will need to completely understand what you are getting yourself into. You only have yourself to rely on and you will need to be properly covered with the correct travel insurance. When you buy your travel insurance for your solo trip – ensure the policy reflects your needs and all you need to be covered for.

First and foremost, you should compare travel quotes from a wide range of providers. Insurance Comparison offers a wide range of travel insurance quotes all on one website – with Insurance comparison you can save time and money. Our side-by-side quotes will give you the freedom to choose the travel policy best suited for your needs.